It looks like we may be getting some movement in the near future on expungement, and I am told that the final bill has not been as weakened as we all may have worried. While this article predicted that we would hear something last week, I suspect that next week may be more likely. If you have ANY time, please contact Senate President Stivers, who will likely be authoring the new law. His contact information is here. I know that as a resident of Manchester, Senator Stivers has seen firsthand the damage that felony-first prosecution has had on our communities. He has seen the pain that drug addiction has caused and the further pain that a felony conviction causes when it disqualifies good people from good jobs.
Please, if you have any interest in this passing, reach out to him this weekend. Class D expungement in Kentucky is about more than getting back to work. It is about restoring gun rights, restoring voting rights, and restoring jury duty. For decades we have case people who have made a minor mistake aside. Now we have the opportunity to fix that. I hope our Senate gets it right the first time, because there may not be a second one.
Will a person that is a resident of my and convictedin another state with all sivil rights restored with no regulation of firearms on it get conviction sealed
Jesse, you would have to look at the law in pthe state where the person was convicted. The (potential) new KY laws can only seal convictions from KY courts.
When is this likely to pass into Law
We should know whether it passes any day now. It could be tomorrow. It most likely won’t go into effect until July if it does pass.